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tv   ABC 7 News at 1100  ABC  October 14, 2012 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT

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exit live and in hd, this is abc 7 news at 11:00, on your side. captioned by the national captioning institute >> we begin with the search for two missing hikers with ties to our community. >> both men are veterinarians and both live in virginia. tom roussey joins us. he spoke with his mother. >> i did. she is very worried as you can understand. she says that peckens's wife and father have been -- flown to montana. folks around here may know him. he works out of the second floor of this building in vienna and the surgery on pats. tonight, friends and family are hoping they can make it better -- he can make it back ok.
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>> missing hiker jason hiser's car still sits at his friend neal peckens us a driveway in herndon. the two were supposed to fly back to dulles friday but never made their flight. they are lost somewhere in glacier national forest in montana. >> i see him every day. >> his neighbors are very concerned. >> it is concerning. he has a small daughter. >> the national park service as they sat at 50 people this weekend to search for the two men, but the search has been hampered by what is at times up to a foot and a half of snow. his mother hopes that -- is holding out hope. her son works as a animal oncologist in vienna, and the veterinarian. here is the latest news from the national park service -- they say they have found a
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campsite that they believe may have been theirs. they also found footprints that maybe there's, but they have not found the men. they believe the snowstorm -- they may have lost the trail and that is why they are missing tonight. they have not been heard from since they went out of self and reception area this past tuesday. lived in vienna, tom roussey abc 7 news. >> this is the second missing hiker case to affect our area in the past few months. he was one of two americans who went missing in peru. unfortunately, he and his hiking partner died. they had climbed the 20,000 feet -- 20,000 foot mountains northwest of lima. police beat -- believe they fell to the deficit climbed back down. >> many are member and former u.s. senator arlen specter who died this morning at his home in philadelphia from complications of a non hodgkin's lymphoma.
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his career spanned decades. for most 30 years in the senate he was a republican, but he supported president obama stimulus bill in 2009 lost the support of his party. that is when he became a democrat. >> i admired that he never gave up and fought to find the center ground. >> he always said what he wanted. he was a great politician. >> president obama issued a statement praising him as a man whose personal battle against cancer inspired many others. we have manat -- on arlen specter's light on our website including a photo gallery with his life and pictures from our partners at politico. >> with the clock ticking down to tuesday's presidential debate, aides president obama promise he will be more aggressive as he faces mitt romney. polls show romney was the clear winner in the last debate. the president is in
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williamsburg virginia, and romney is in massachusetts. be sure to stay with abc 7 complete coverage of the second presidential debate. we will bring it to you live on c-spanstarting at 9:00 p.m.. >> the number of people affected by the meningitis outbreak has reached 235. the death toll stands at 15. a 15th case was reported in maryland yesterday. several people in virginia have been effected. it has been linked to steroid shots used for back pain and into a specialty pharmacy and massachusetts. the medicine has been recalled. >> a deadly shooting at a house party in pasadena, maryland. police arrested two men, charged with killing one man and wounding another man sitting outside a house early yesterday morning. police are still investigating the shooting and are asking witnesses to come forward. >> three different fires in our area over the last 24 hours.
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one woman is in the hospital. dozens of others are without their home. the fires happened in maryland and in one case in apartment complex in brentwood is believed a space heater is to blame. jay korff joins us outside the complex. >> they wrapped up boarding up windows at this complex, which was nearly destroyed, and pageant the roof. if not for a couple of good samaritans we could have had a loss of life. >> i heard something go boom. >> sunday morning inside this apartment complex it shattered the lives of residents. >> she lost all her stuff. >> who did not have a lot to start with. >> everybody is struggling, the economy is in crisis, we are struggling american families. it is not fun. >> anthony rushed his girlfriend and children to safety moments after seeing smoke and flame or
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from a neighboring lindo. >> i kicked the door in and the fire was starting on the far wall. >> but he said the fire extinguisher did not work. >> at that point, it set off the fire alarm and started getting people out of the bill and. >> investigators believe an unattended space heater melted some incombustible. >> i found the apartment blazon. >> this passer-by and another man alerted people. >> he is a first responder bureau. i.n.d. second. >> despite the destruction everybody got home alive, to the relief of presidents and the good samaritan who help them out of harm's way. mporary housing for those who were displaced. we should point out this is certainly a reminder on the danger of heating appliances when they are not closely monitored. we are living in prince george's
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county, abc 7 news. >> thank you for the latest. we are sure to get a break in cooler weather today but changes are aheadant to keep that umbrella handy. let's get a "first look with steve ruan. >> as you step out the door tomorrow morning, make sure you have an umbrella on hand. more than likely you'll need it. look at our satellite -- not a lot going on, just a few showers popping up across extreme western maryland and garrett county. that is the big story. that will arrive tomorrow. that may even bring a chance for some strong to severe thunderstorms across southern maryland and the delmarva. the sun rises getting later 7:18. lots o'clock -- showers, west to east. a push of cooler and drier air. the time line, coming up in a few minutes. >> steve, thank you.
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to say that rg3 put on a show today at fedex field is to put it completely miley. >> he was cleared after suffering a concussion last week, and boy did he not missed a beat. >> celebrities all over our tweeting about him. he is impressive, breaking records every week. not only did rg3 set a franchise record for most rushing touchdowns by a quarterback, he also ran a 76-year -- yard touchdown in 10.9 seconds. he give local fans something to believe in again. rg3 takes it himself -- he goes into the amazon and sets the franchise record, touchdown no. 5. he was not done. here you go, the moment that shocked everyone. he is gone. high stepping -- he ran 40 in four seconds. the redskins win a, 38-26.
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>> he got to the sideline -- i thought i went out of bounds because everybody has been telling me that. you now in certain situations -- i just took off running. the rest is history. >> rg3 was not the only star of the show. they had three defensive turnovers. we will tell you more about it. >> thank you. a record-breaking jump -- 25 miles above the earth. we show you the breathtaking first step and how the guy is doing tonight after the jump. >> the susan g. komen
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man on radio: releasthe pumpkins. releasing the pumpkins. catch the great taste of pumpkin before it's gone. hurry into dunkin' donuts and grab a pumpkin muffin or donut today. america runs on dunkin'. ex. you are watching abc 7 news at 11:00 -- on your side. >> an airline passenger made the reference to a bomb in a bag is behind bars tonight. he is being held in an alaskan
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jail. police say he made comments about the bomb as he was getting ready to board an alaska airlines flight around midnight. the airport was evacuated and was closed for a few hours while police questioned him. >> this note that captivated a lot of people -- felix baumgartner has become the first person ever to break the speed of sound after jumping from a capsule 24 miles above the earth. according to officials, he reached a massive -- maximum speed of 833.9 miles per hour. he had nothing except a high- tech suit. he decided to go for the record. after the jump, he talked about what it was like on the way down. >> a lot of pressure -- but it did not feel like i am passing out. i was still feeling ok. i think i can handle the situation. and i did. >> it was nine minutes on the way down. he is originally from austria and is 43 years old and former military terror shooter. >> it was great watching that --
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so cool. the first man to fly past the speed of sound made noise of his own today. chuck yeager took off in the back seat of then f-15 eagle in las vegas and broke the sound barrier. see, now 89 years old, did the same thing on this date back in 1947. a warm up to [ male announcer ] we the people, the middle class who move our country forward, work hard raise families, and keep america strong. but mitt romney's budget plan will hurt the middle class, raising taxes on the average family by up to $2,000 while giving a tax break of $250,000 to multimillionaires. doesn't mitt romney understand
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we can't rebuild america by tearing down the middle class. priorits usa action is responsible for the content of this advertisin
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>> they persevere. walking 60 miles to raise money and awareness for breast cancer the susan g. komen walking to a close today. more than 1600 people participated, and many have done this walk before, " in their efforts may lead to a cure. it raised $3.8 million. they lucked out on the weather -- it was gorgeous. >> what a day. temperatures 7 to 8 degrees above average. well into the 70's.
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yesterday we only made it up to 60 degrees. a good 15-degree swing over 24 hours. outside, the clouds are coming in from the west. extreme western maryland, these showers will move across our area just in time for the rush hour commute early tomorrow morning. then, some thunder storms later in the day across southern maryland. 67 degrees at rational -- reagan national airport -- this is an average daytime high for this year. winds are around 50 miles an hour to the south. temperature today got up to 76 degrees, the record is 87, set in 1975. in the district, now 61 degrees 64 degrees in silver spring and 65 in alexandria. cooler off to the west of us. in the 60's 4 frederick.
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lexington park, 67 degrees. you can see where the cold front is located, the dividing line between detroit and chicago where it is only 50 degrees now. the cooler air will modify a little bit. by tuesday you will feel the difference with daytime highs only in the lower 60's. compared to yesterday, what a difference in temperatures. we are about 15 degrees warmer here in washington. you can see the cold air to the west of us behind the freundel system about 15 degrees colder -- frontal system, around 15 degrees colder. it will continue to move in our direction over the next 24 hours or so. early tomorrow morning -- it will start from west to east. it will start across western maryland and then move across the metro area by the afternoon. we may see some strong earth
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thunderstorms by later in the afternoon into the early evening hours across the delmarva peninsula. nighttime lows fall into the 50's. waking up tomorrow morning should not be a problem, but grab your umbrellas. temperatures in the upper 60's to lower 70's of around the pentagon location. to the west, cooler temperatures. to the east, milder temperatures with a southerly wind. thursday, at hamburg -- look for temperatures to drop on tuesday. 64 degrees in town, cooler to the west. near 70 on wednesday. lower 70's on thursday and a chance for showers on friday. i hope you had a chance to enjoy the nice weather today. it is nice when the weather cooperates on a weekend. >> it looks like next week and will not be too bad. >> a perfect day today for the redskins -- it could not have been any better. >> we needed that. next week and will be great, eli
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manning and if rg3. new york had a chance to give more insurance to themselves in the nfc east-west. the redskins [ male announcer ]
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president obama says he's creating jobs but he's really creating debt. the facts are clear. obama's four deficits are the four largest in us history. he's adding almost as much debt as all 43 previous presidents -- combined. and over 30 cents of every dollar obama spends is borrowed. much of it from countries like china. he's not just wasting money he's borrowing it and then wasting it. we can't afford four more years. [ romney ] i'm mitt romney and i approve this messe.
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>> and now, the toyota sports desk, brought to you by your local toyota dealers. >> after that gut-wrenching nationals loss, sports fans needed something to smile about. with rg3 cleared to play today, it looked like things were clearing up, but they did not expect the stunned again, this time in a good way. after a big pass, he shakes it in from 1 yard out. he continues to do work -- the next play, a lot of traffic in the pocket but he pops up in to -- he gets the fumble
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recovery. first and goal, minn. -- he gets in untouched to take a lead at the half. third quarter, rg3 says i will take it in myself. he sets the franchise record with the most rushing touchdowns in a season with five. then, fourth quarter, redskins up 12, it gets uglier for the vikings but sweeter for the redskins as williams snags it -- he once the touchdown. he takes it in, 31-12. then the vikings rally. in the end zone, it is no good. they blowout 31-26. then the moment, you will all remember this. rg3, 10.9 seconds, 76 yards into the end zone. the redskins win it in a
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sensational fashion 38-26. >> keeking to me and said, you can stop smiling -- he came to me and said, you can stop smiling. i got to prove to those guys that i still have that speed they were talking about. >> i had a great deal. what i -- a great view. what s stock, as he was able to get past the initial tackle and from there it was just like juswow. >> everybody told him to slide. the study of the angle, then they say, keep going, keep going. >> honestly we all see what he has, what he is going to be. >> the san francisco 49ers are good. they have outscored other teams. today they got a taste of their own medicine against the new
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york giants. eli manning its it -- giants up 7-3. third quarter he scores his third rushing touchdown of the season. the giants never looked back and win 26-3, first place. the ravens are hosting the cowboys. cowboys have a chance to win it -- not in raven's country. the 51-yard goal is no good and the raven's wing, 31-29. yankees hosted the tigers, still scoreless. a ground up to short -- it should be an easy double play but he drops it on the exchange to first. tigers when 3-0 and have a commanding two-game lead in the series. in the nlcs, the cards are
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leading the giants in the eighth inning. >> who do you dislike more? the yankees or the cards? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] combine the pnc cashbuilder visa credit card with a qualifying pnc performance select checking account and earn 75% more than cards earning 1% cash bk on almost everything.
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>> space shuttle endeavor completed its final mission today. here is a look at it rowling to its new home in los angeles. the city's mayor said they got into trouble on the way -- a lifetime event, it will take [
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[ male announcer ] jay likes it when his mobile phone helps him deposit his checks. jay also like it when mother nature helps him wash his car. mother nature's cool like that. mobile check deposit. easier banking. standard at citibank. >> grab your umbrella for tomorrow. temperatures lower -- a better chance for thunderstorms. milder by thursday. >> thank you. thank you for watching. >>
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[ male announcer ] this isthhe opposite of subliminal advertising... there's no suext... just tacos. yeah, it's our job to make you want it. but honestly... it's not that hard. old el paso. when you gotta have mexican. [ woman ] ring. ring. prresso. in what world do potatoes, bacon and cheese add up to 100 calories? your world. ♪ ♪ [ whispers ] real bacon... creamy cheese... [ whispers ] 100 calories... [ chef ] ma'am [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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